Welcome to "Cooking with Class":
a website designed for everyone who loves to cook. This site will provide you with great information on our favorite subject...food!
Plus, there are hints and tips to make your time in the kitchen and home more enjoyable. Also you will find an up-to-date
guide to all my cooking class food demonstrations at different locations in Milwaukee, Racine and Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Many of my cooking classes are offered through local Park and Recreation Departments.
I have been teaching cooking classes since 1992 and what I've learned is that everyone loves to eat. But these
days few people have the time or know-how to make nutritious, delicious foods from scratch. This is where my cooking classes
come in. They are designed to show the novice how to prepare wonderful dishes with a gourmet flare. And although I've
designed my classes to appeal to new cooks, seasoned veterans also enjoy them and come away with new ideas and a few
things they didn't know.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my
site. I hope you've found some "food for thought." Come back often. Check out the cooking classes in your area
and see what's new on the Hints, Tips & Recipes page.
Instructor Staci Joers
with Class"
Food Demonstrations with Flair